Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What can verveine do for you?

Verveine has been used since Egyptian times for a variety of symptoms, and in modern South of France, almost every traditional cafe offers une infusion de verveine as a relaxing drink.

From http://www.herbs-info.com/vervain.html:

"Brewed as a mild tisane via infusion (in this case, dried leaves are employed), it makes for a perfect relaxing drink as well as a general tonic said to strengthen the immune system. Despite having a somewhat inferior aroma to its relative lemon verbena, vervain possesses some, if not all of the medicinal properties of the former. When used in combination with mint or dill, it makes for a perfect pick-me-up, especially during, and after suffering from a bout of flu. Its expectorant properties make it useful for individuals who experience whooping or wheezing coughs, while moderate consumption of vervain tisanes help to settle the stomach and soothe frayed or overstressed nerves."

English spelling is typically vervain, but I choose the French way of spelling: verveine.
Either way is grammatically correct.

Here you can see the verveine bits added to the soap for the healing properties, the fragrance, and the scrubby-dubby exfoliation action:

Starting in November, I will have soap from this year's batch available in my Etsy Shop.

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